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M1 Kliniken AG - "Schöne Lippen, heisse Aktie"

120464 Aktie-Zlatan 16/5 2024 10:26

16/5 2024 11:55 Hyst 2120466

Der er grænser for hvad jeg vil gå ind i, selv om der er penge i det.

16/5 2024 12:52 Aktie-Zlatan 2120469

Jeg er enig, men sandsynligvis 95 % af M1:s salg er fillers (hyaluronsyre og Botox) med forbigående effekt (ca 6 måneder), så for mig er det ikke meget anderledes end kosmetik. Fillers er i disse dage akseptert.

Ca 2/3 af kundene er tidligere kunder. Lidt som et abonnement.

Kun i Schlossklinik i Berlin tilbyder M1 kirurgi.

20/5 2024 11:54 Aktie-Zlatan 1120532

For mig er det mer problematisk at investere i kosmetikselskaber, som Matas og Lyko (på grund af miljø).

M1 har imidlertid også kosmetik, men kosmetik er mindre vigtigt end for Matas og Lyko.

23/5 2024 17:44 Aktie-Zlatan 0120589

"Highly profitable beauty segment drives growth with an increase of 17.6% to EUR 70.8 million."

"Forecast 2029 for the Beauty segment: EUR 200 to 300 million in sales with an EBIT margin of at least 20%" (kommentar: fra 71 MEUR til ca 250 MEUR = ca 22 % CAGR)

"The medium-term forecast projects that M1 will operate 150 to 200 specialist centres for aesthetic medicine by the end of 2029. As of the end of 2023, there were a total of 58 locations, with 38 in Germany and 20 abroad. By 2029, approximately one third of the centres will be in Germany and two thirds abroad."

"M1 is currently active in ten countries, from Australia to Germany and Romania, and sees further expansion potential in each of them. In addition, new markets (kommentar: öppnar första kliniken i USA under H2-24) are also to be developed by 2029. In Eastern Europe, for example, material and labour costs are low, the price level for high-quality medical beauty treatments is high and there are hardly any professional competitors. As a result, the first location in Romania, for example, reached break-even faster than usual."