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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Zealand - Lyxumia fra dagens CC Sanofi

66013 1/8 2013 14:50

EBM: What is your confidence in your Diabetes portfolio, based on the latest results foryour new glargine formulation, U300, and the recent setbacks of your competition?
Chris Viehbacher: When we first look at what are the current results, I think we are very satisfied. We have had the tenth consecutive quarter of double-digit growth. Our Diabetes franchise is up over 16% and Lantus® is up over 17%. Conversion to SoloSTAR® is now above 56% in the US, so the underlying performance is very strong and we expect that to continue and especially the delay of degludec will mean that is even more likely to continue. Apidra® up 25% and this is a good bounce back from some of our supply issues. Now we've got the next generation of products coming along. We are seeing this with the launch of Lyxumia®. Germany is the first launch country; after 18 weeks we have roughly 10% market share which is a very satisfactory performance. We have also seen the launch in the United Kingdom and we will see progressive launches throughout the US. Interestingly, we have had the launch in Japan, very unusual to see the launch of a product in Japan before the United States, so that's an opportunity to really get Lyxumia® rolled out globally. And of course the file is with the FDA and we have an action date in the fourth

quarter. So Lyxumia® is here and now and it's rolling out. And then the next generation insulin product, our new glargine formulation is very exciting. It has a much flatter profile, true 24-hour coverage, and so for us this will be the next generation of growth in continuing our franchise, really starting from 2015 onwards. So we really are looking forward to a next generation of growth with U300.

1/8 2013 14:52 366014

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