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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

julesalg og lagerbevægelser

425 le 30/11 2008 12:05

interessant observation vedrørende lagerbevægelserne her op til jul

Turkish exporters enjoy increase in orders from Europe
As European importers feel the effects of the global financial crisis, they have decided to give up large stocks and order goods in smaller quantities. To do this, they are increasingly turning to Turkish exporters.

European companies' profits have declined as their expenditures have increased. Before the crisis, importers ordered huge quantities of goods from China and other Far Eastern countries. Now that this trend has changed, conditions have started to benefit Turkish exporters.

A decline in auto, iron and steel exports triggered a slowdown in the Turkish economy. But the increase in orders by European countries has eased the burden on some Turkish exporters, especially those in the electronics, garment and food sectors.

Aegean Garment Exporters' Union (EHKİB) President Jak Eskinazi said the orders from Europe started to increase in October. He predicted that the increase in exports will continue in December and January. Eskinazi said the companies that were affected by the crisis decided to give up buying big quantities because of the risk and that a significant part of the European orders turned toward Turkey from China in the past two months.

"The European customers order small amounts of goods that they can put in a store and sell in a short time rather than ordering huge amounts and keeping stocks," he said. "Once they sell the whole thing, they order another small part, and in this way, risk is minimized."

Mustafa Türkmenoğlu, head of the Aegean Union of Exporters (EİB), said Turkey is meeting Europe's demand in agricultural products more than before. He noted that the European companies choose to buy goods from Turkey rather than faraway countries, underlining that there was a marked increase in Turkey's agriculture exports.

Jak Galiko, chairman of the Aegean Leather and Leather Articles Exporters Union, said it was important to stay calm during the crisis, which has had both negative and positive effects on the Turkish economy. He stated that imports declined before exports in Turkey. He noted that most of the Turkish trucks carrying goods to Europe returned empty and this fact indicated that imports were declining. This will decrease Turkey's current account deficit as well, he added.

"The new orders may not compensate for the losses to a great extent; however, it will prevent exports from declining further," he said. "Since oil prices continue to fall, there will not be a big current account deficit." The Turkish leather sector was in good shape despite negative developments, he said, adding that the government had taken an important step by transferring $1 billion to Eximbank, a state-controlled bank established to support exports.

Turkey remains mostly immune to crisis, US official says

Turkey has managed to avoid the direct adverse effects of the global financial crisis and is bothered only by small indirect effects, an official at the US Embassy in Turkey has said.

According to Dale Eppler, economic counselor for the US Embassy, Turkey's only problem resulting from the crisis will be a slowdown in exports because of the recession in Turkey's major export markets, particularly Europe. "In my opinion, there is no other apparent problem," he said.

Speaking to the Anatolia news agency, Eppler said the global crisis originated from problems in the US mortgage market but that it soon spread to financial institutions, giant insurance companies and finally to non-financial sectors.

Eppler said the world was in an ambiguous and chaotic state and that it was difficult to estimate where the crisis was heading. "However, Turkey is the only country among the OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation] members that was not seriously affected by the crisis," he said. İstanbul Today's Zaman with wires

30/11 2008 23:33 Hya 0427

KONKRET set fra min synsvinkel

så er der mange der ikke har råd til at købe julegaverne i så god tid som de plejer

og en del foretninger der allerede nu har så svigtende detail salg at de er startet "januarudsalget" med at sætte julevarerne ned med mellem 25-50% - fordi de er klemt på likviditeten - og bange for at brænde inde med et stort lager af varer i den lidt "dyre" julegave ende.

og derudover kæmper mange "kæder og varehuse" vel med få årets opgørelse til at hænge bedre sammen - så de dumper også varer og priser i øjeblikket - bl a ved at skære ned på sortimentet af ens mærkevarer.

OG så er der lige den alm mand på gulvet
der enten er blevet uventet arbejdsløs -
eller frygter at blive det.

hvor mange yngre slet ikke er medlem i en arbejdsløshedskasse

og får et chock når de konstaterer - at det kan de nok slet ikke nå at gøre noget ved før de ryger ud i arbejdsløsheden, og de så slet ikke er berettiget til hjælp nogen steder fra.

• Hvis man er forsikret i en a-kasse, kan man ved ledighed få udbetalt dagpenge på op til 3515 kroner om ugen i fire år. Det kræver, at man har været medlem af a-kassen i et år.
• Hvis man ikke er medlem af en a-kasse, kan man eventuelt få kontanthjælp fra kommunen.

Man har dog ikke automatisk ret til kontanthjælp:
• Hvis man har en formue, skal den først bruges.
• Hvis man er gift, har ens ægtefælle pligt til at forsørge en.
• Hvis man har bil og ejerbolig, skal man sælge disse, hvorefter kommunen anviser en billigere bolig.

De unge sidder så nu med truende arbejdsløshed uden forsikring, afdragsfrie rentetilpasningslån, og belånte til højt over deres friværdier, uden nye lånemuligheder
og har ALDRIG prøvet at vente, undvære, udsætte, eller skulle prioritere andet end deres ego, lyst og behov

DET tror jeg blir svært for den generation,
og vil forkludre tilværelsen gennem de næste år -
også for os andre der har sat tæring efter næring, og ikke har levet på lånte levefødder.
