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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Peter Aabo

66651 Sibelius 12/10 2013 11:32

Sådan her præsenterer han sig på Virogates hjemmeside (sjovt nok intet om hans rolle som biotech aktieanalytiker?):

"Peter Aaby supports the Executive Team in scientific matters and assumed this role in 2002.

Peter Aaby is a Professor at Epidemiological Research Unit, Statens Serum Institute, Denmark and Head of the Bandim Health Project in Guinea Bissau. Since 1993, he has been a Senior Researcher and Project Manager of community studies of infectious diseases and primary healthcare in Guinea Bissau.

He started his career as a researcher at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Copenhagen (1976-78) and has since then held several positions including Lecturer, Institute of Ethnology, Uppsala, Sweden (1978-80), Senior Lecturer, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Copenhagen (1981-91) and Adjunct professor of International Health, University of Copenhagen (1998). In addition, he has served as Principal investigator on IRD's study of long-term efficacy and safety of high-titer measles vaccine in Niakhar, Senegal (affiliated IRD) (1990- ).

Peter Aaby has been a member of the ad-hoc Committee on AIDS under IUSSP (1991-93) and received the Novo Nordic Award in 2000. His is author or co-author of 170 scientific papers, letters and reviews, 31 proceedings/book chapters and 7 double publications in Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (measles, measles immunization, diarrhoea, HIV-2).

He holds a M.Sc. in Social Anthropology from the University of Copenhagen (1974) and a Dr.Med.Sci. from the University of Copenhagen (1988)."

12/10 2013 11:34 Sibelius 066652

Aabo, Aaby,... sorry my bad

13/10 2013 20:36 066656

Hej Sibelus,

Det er ikke samme person, men det har du vist fundet ud af <span><img src=
" title=";−)" style="width: 22px; height: 22px;"/>

13/10 2013 22:23 Sibelius 066657

ja, der gik ca 3 sekunder efter jeg havde posted før pråsen gik op for mig, men jeg kunne ikke lige se hvordan jeg kunne slette indlægget?