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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Fluoguide-promising results of using FluoGuide's FG002 tech

94381 iskh 17/6 2021 10:43

New article reveals promising results of using FluoGuide's FG002 technology in guiding surgical removal of cancer

“With the preclinical data on our second compound FG002, we now have two products with great features and different properties positioning us well for fully exploiting uPAR in guiding cancer surgery within different kinds of cancers” says Morten Albrechtsen, CEO,”

"We are at the same time broadening our target indications with both FG001 and FG002 to help even more patients with cancer”.,c3369375

17/6 2021 14:59 iskh 094391

"FG002 study shows FluoGuide is more than a one-product company".

"The study shows that FG002 is highly potent and performs well in terms of several important metrics, as well as demonstrating that FlouGuide is more than just a one-product company. We view this as a positive, albeit early, further step forward."

"In contrast to the fluorophore in FG001, IRDye800CW does not yet have a well characterised safety profile yet. However, FG002 is about an order of magnitude more potent than FG001, and it has a high signal-to-background ratio of roughly 5x to 6x, with very limited signal in healthy mouse colon tissue. Such a profile raises the possibility that FG002 could result in greater ability to limit positive tumour margins post-surgery than FG001, but it is too soon to draw such a conclusion"


28/6 2021 17:52 iskh 094730

30/6 2021 10:23 iskh 094785

"FluoGuide enters agreement with Swedish university hospital for the second phase of the ongoing FG001 clinical trial"

"The neurosurgery department of the University Hospital in Linköping, Sweden is well known for its innovative research in the field of neurosurgery and involvement in numerous clinical trials in brain cancer".

"I am also delighted that Peter Milos, who is an experienced and well reputed neurosurgeon, will be the one to lead the trial in Linköping".

"There is large need for improving the treatment of patients with high grade glioma and I am looking forward to investigate FG001 in guiding surgery of these patients", says Peter Milos, MD
