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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her
13/5 15:40
af Andrew Carlsen
RA is a very interesting indication but there are no news.
13/5 15:40
af Investorbro
What is the status on Darzalex in MDS and ALL? Can we expect phase 2 data in the coming months?
13/5 15:41
af Andrew Carlsen
We continue to expect Phase II data in ALL the coming months while the Phase III trial ADROMEDIA will be in late H219
13/5 15:41
af Investorbro
Will the phase 2 data from GRIFFIN be made public when they are in?
13/5 15:41
af Andrew Carlsen
13/5 15:41
af Investorbro
When do you expect the recruitment in Tisotumab Vedotin in cervical cancer to be final? Can we expect data this year?
13/5 15:42
af Andrew Carlsen
TV204 in cervical cancer finished recruitment in end March
13/5 15:43
af Bulder
Has Genmab ever considered entering the car-t field?
13/5 15:43
af Andrew Carlsen
We believe that our bispecific program is a better way to go for now. So CD3xCD20
13/5 15:45
af Relax
Three questions. Here is the first one. Genmab has a strategy to become a pharma company what is the time horizon? Second question: what product/products do they expect to sell? Third question: Considering the long processes and great insecurity for approvals, it seems to me as premature to build a sales organition. Can You please clearify this aspect?
13/5 15:48
af Andrew Carlsen
1) We have a vision of becoming a biopharmaceutical company. 2) Hopefully we have achieved this vision by 2025 with tisotumab being our first commercial asset. The commercial build up is progressing in a controlled and strategic way where we are ensuring that we have a product and organisation in place for when we succ eed.
13/5 15:48
af peter12
For us as investors, it would be nice to have the prescription numbers for Darzalex every month, also if the quarterly numbers from J&J are available. Would it be an option ?
13/5 15:50
af Andrew Carlsen
No. Janssen owns the commercial rights to Darzalex. If you would like to track prescriptions oyu would likely have to suscribe to Symphoney or IMS, I believe.
13/5 15:50
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Andrew ..Thank You for joining us and thank you for the many fullfilling answers to our questions. We look forward to to seeing you or Jan and David back here on after Q2 .
13/5 15:51
af Andrew Carlsen
Thank you everyone and looking forward to answering your q uestions.
13/5 15:51
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
This session is ended.
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