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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Gratis Rapport: Bailout Eraen Er Definitiv Slut.

49288 Banksteren 1/12 2011 23:30

In 1999, 11 European countries surrendered their currencies for the Euro and a shared monetary authority. But as the world applauded, Elliott Wave International (EWI) forecast that those countries had also sealed a shared fate: to eventually collapse together in a liquidity-driven deflationary spiral.

Barely a decade later, the once-celebrated EU and its currency are facing collapse.

In November 2011, EWI observed that its "pageant of concession and agreement focuses (now) on rescue and preservation rather than expansion."

Back in December 2009, EWI analyst Brian Whitmer warned that a set of troubling events across Europe were signaling that the entire continent was on edge.

In April 2011, Whitmer wrote:

Back in February 2010, we stated, "Greece's woes aren't over and neither are its neighbors." Four months later, as nearly every country in Europe said they would avoid a "Greek-like fate," the June 2010 issue added, "The only thing separating these countries from Greece is the fragile confidence that they are, indeed, distinct."

Will the Central Bank coordination bolster confidence enough to turn around the economies of the world?

Or is this just another hopeful attempt that will provide nothing more than a short-term fix?

2/12 2011 01:19 Banksteren 049291

Et gensyn værd, samme sted står vi i dag, men denne gang kan systemet muligvis ikke reddes.

This could very well be the most important video on youtube: