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Nye ordrer til Vestas udmeldt fredag aften d. 31/3-2023

111797 ProInvestorNEWS 31/3 2023 22:16

Vestas secures 63 MW order in Germany

News release from Northern & Central Europe
Hamburg, 31 March 2023

Vestas has received an order from JUWI GmbH for five wind projects in Germany totalling 63 MW. The order includes supply, installation, and commissioning of the turbines, as well as a 20-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement, designed to ensure optimised performance of the asset.

The order consists of the Windpark Olsberg Mannstein in North Rhine-Westphalia with seven V126-3.45 MW turbines, the Windpark Perl-expansion in Saarland with one V150-5.6 MW turbine as well as the Windpark Lauda Heckfeld II in Baden-Wuerttemberg and Windpark Laudert III in Rhineland-Palatinate that both consist of one V162-5.6 MW turbine. Finally, the Windpark Jülich Güsten in North Rhine-Westphalia includes four V162-5.6 MW turbines.

"We are proud to yet again be trusted to deliver turbines to JUWI. The strong and trustful collaboration is highlighted by the parties signing five projects at once. I would like to thank JUWI for the continued confidence that they have placed in us", says Jens Kück, Vice President Sales Central at Vestas. "These five projects are a testimonial of our shared vision for a sustainable future and our commitment to accelerate the German energy transition".

Maximilian Nowak, Director Corporate Supply Chain at JUWI, adds: "We are very pleased that we have been able to contract with the European market leader and long-term partner for our projects, especially under currently challenging circumstances. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the entire Vestas and JUWI-teams involved in the transaction".

Installation of the first turbine is scheduled to begin in the first quarter in 2024, with commissioning of all turbines expected by the end of the fourth quarters of 2024.

For more information, please contact:
Yannick Kramm
External Communications Specialist, Vestas Northern & Central Europe
Tel: +44 (0)77 9528 469

31/3 2023 22:16 ProInvestorNEWS 5111798

Vestas wins 140 MW order for first V163-4.5 MW projects in Spain

News release from Vestas Mediterranean
Madrid, 31 March 2023

Vestas has received a 140 MW order for the Cerrato, Atalayas and San Cebrián wind parks, to be located in Castilla y León, Spain. The contract includes the supply and installation of 20 V163-4.5 MW wind turbines and 11 V150-4.5 MW wind turbines, as well as a 10-year 4000 Active Output Management (AOM 4000) service agreement.

The San Cebrián and Cerrato wind parks will feature the first V163-4.5 MW wind turbines in Europe. The V163-4.5 MW has a large rotor-size-to-rating ratio resulting in a high capacity factor, which in turn enables higher Annual Energy Production and more stable power output at park level. This improves predictability and stability in production, optimising the utilisation of the wind park as well as benefitting the energy grid.

The order has been placed by Estudios y Proyectos Pradamap y Cerrato Eólica (Grupo Vapat). The company has developed and commissioned 650 MW of wind power, and currently has over 2,500 MW of wind power and PV hybrid projects in different states of development and construction.

"We would like to thank Pradamap (Grupo Vapat) for renewing their trust in the Vestas 4 MW platform. This order showcases how our latest models can provide our customers with the reliability and predictability they need to optimise their business case in Spain. We expect that our full converter technology and our strong market presence will continue to contribute to the energy transition in the country", says Agustín Sánchez-Tembleque, Vestas General Manager Spain & Portugal.

Turbine delivery and commissioning are expected by 2024.

The project will also benefit from Vestas' manufacturing footprint in Spain. The company manufactures V150 blades at its factory in Daimiel (Ciudad Real) for the 4 MW and the EnVentus platforms. Since 1991, when Vestas installed its first wind turbine in Spain, the company has secured an order intake of more than 5.1 GW for over 130 wind parks in the country.

For more information, please contact:
Andrés Domínguez
Communications Specialist
Vestas Mediterranean
M +34 649294007

31/3 2023 22:23 bikube 5111800

Der kom lige 130 MW mere til Indien her kl 22.18. Mon det var den sidste. Nu er vi oppe på 2652 MW.

31/3 2023 22:31 ProInvestorNEWS 5111801

Bikube, Den er postet 1 minut før dit indlæg. ;−) God weekend. Mvh Helge

31/3 2023 22:22 ProInvestorNEWS 5111799

Vestas secures 130 MW order in India with Vibrant Energy

News release from Vestas Asia Pacific
Singapore, 31 March 2023

Vestas and Vibrant Energy have signed a deal for two wind projects in India. As part of the order, Vestas will supply a total of 36 V155-3.6 MW turbines.

This is Vestas' second order from Vibrant in India in less than a year, following a 54 MW order for a project in Maharashtra signed in 2022. With this, Vestas continues to solidify its position as a reliable and trusted partner in sustainable energy solutions in India.

"Vestas has been our key partner in delivering our wind projects, and we are glad to announce the second order for V155-3.6 MW turbines. With this order of 36 turbines totaling 130 MW, we can strengthen our product offering for wind-solar hybrid power projects for our corporate customers. We look forward to expanding this partnership and delivering our shared vision of a sustainable-energy driven future", said Srini Viswanathan, CEO - Vibrant Energy.

"Vibrant Energy is one of India's fastest growing renewable energy companies. We have worked closely with them over the last one year over the execution of their current project in Maharashtra and I am confident that this second order will only be another steppingstone to a long and mutually fruitful partnership between the two companies. I would like to thank them for once again trusting in Vestas' ability to deliver reliable and efficient solutions", says Purvin Patel, CEO & President, Vestas Asia Pacific

Deliveries of the turbines are expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2023, while commissioning of all turbines is expected to be completed by second quarter of 2024.

For more information, please contact:
Ankush Gupta
Marketing & Communications Manager, Vestas (India and SEA)

31/3 2023 23:30 bikube 6111804

Vi er ikke færdige endnu: 370 MW til US. Samlet i Q1 3022 MW.

1/4 2023 00:21 ProInvestorNEWS 4111805

Vestas secures 370 MW order from Xcel Energy for two repowering projects in the USA

News release from Vestas-American Wind Technology
Portland, 31 March 2023

Vestas has received an order for two wind projects totalling 370 MW to repower the Pleasant Valley and Border Winds projects owned by Xcel Energy in the USA.

The order for the 213 MW Pleasant Valley project in Minnesota consists of 97 V110-2.0 MW wind turbines delivered in 2.2 MW operating mode, while the 156 MW Border Winds project, located in North Dakota, consists of 71 V110-2.0 MW wind turbines delivered in 2.2 MW operating, which will update the current V100-2.0 MW technology at both sites.

"Vestas and Xcel Energy have a strong history of bringing wind energy to local communities across the US and we look forward to continuing this partnership by extending the longevity and increasing the energy projection of current wind projects like Pleasant Valley in Minnesota and Border Winds in North Dakota," said Laura Beane, President of Vestas North America. "Upgrading the site's current technology will not only extend the lifespan of the project and bring clean energy to thousands of households, it will also provide needed economic opportunities to these communities."

"As a national leader in wind energy, we're pleased to work with Vestas on repowering two Upper Midwest wind farms which have long provided clean, affordable energy to our customers as well as economic benefits to surrounding communities. Advancing the technology at Pleasant Valley in Minnesota and Border Winds in North Dakota is important to our plan for achieving 85% carbon-free energy by 2030 in the region while keeping energy costs as low as possible," said Chris Clark, President, Xcel Energy Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

Both projects include supply, delivery, and commissioning of the turbines, and Vestas will continue to service the turbines and provide an energy-based availability guarantee, designed to ensure optimised performance of the asset.

Turbine delivery for both projects will begin in the second quarter of 2025 with commissioning scheduled for completion in the fourth quarter of 2025.

For more information, please contact:
Chelsea Sassara
Lead Specialist, Marketing & Communications
Tel: +1 (971) 229-9495

3/4 2023 07:47 ProInvestorNEWS 1111830

Analysechef fastholder positivt syn på Vestas efter god ordreudvikling

3/4 07:18

Vindmølleproducenten Vestas fik rundet første kvartal af med en stribe ordreannonceringer i løbet af sidste uge.

I alt nåede Vestas at offentliggøre 13 ordrer på i alt 3022 megawatt i løbet af januar, februar og marts, hvilket er rekord for et første kvartal.

Det betegner aktieanalysechef Jacob Pedersen fra Sydbank som "stærkt", og banken fastholder efterfølgende en købsanbefaling for vindmølleproducentens aktie.

- En brasiliansk gigantordre på 1310 megawatt trækker læsset, men der er også storordrer til Sydafrika og USA. Udviklingen vidner om, at kunderne flere steder tager store skridt fremad, når det kommer til projekternes størrelse.

- I det miljø ligner Vestas et oplagt valg som leverandør for mange kunder, og selskabet kan som strategisk partner hos de største kunder støbe fundamentet til en måske endnu stærkere position i fremtiden, skriver Jacob Pedersen i en kommentar.

Han pointerer dog også, at storordren til Brasilien helt givet vil påvirke salgsprisen per megawatt negativt, da Brasilien er et marked med lave salgspriser - og vel at mærke også lave omkostninger.

- I samme åndedrag bemærker vi, at ordreindgangen fra Latinamerika udgør cirka 57 pct. af kvartalets annoncerede ordrer. Det trækker i samme retning. Derfor er der også større usikkerhed end normalt om udviklingen i salgspriserne, påpeger Jacob Pedersen.

Han estimerer en salgspris på 1,02 mio. euro per megawatt i kvartalet, hvilket vil være et mærkbart fald fra 1,15 mio. euro per megawatt i fjerde kvartal 2022. Det mener han dog ikke bør bekymre henset til ordrernes sammensætning.

Udover de annoncerede ordrer estimerer analytikeren 500 megawatt i uannonceret ordreindgang i kvartalet.

Udover de faste og ubetingede landvindordrer er Vestas i kvartalet også valgt som foretrukken leverandør til tre havvindprojekter på i alt 2655 megawatt.

- Dermed er Vestas valgt som foretrukken leverandør til mere end 8,6 gigawatt havvindprojekter i de seneste ti måneder. Et meget klart bevis på, at der - i en ikke alt for fjern fremtid - venter et vækstmæssigt tigerspring fremad i Vestas' aktivitetsniveau, vurderer Jacob Pedersen.

I takt med at langt flere ordrer med forhøjede salgspriser indgår i Vestas' resultater i de kommende kvartaler, venter han at se en markant rentabilitetsforbedring.

- Går den hånd i hånd med flere ordrer, ligner Vestas lige pludselig en endnu mere attraktiv investering i et globalt økonomisk miljø præget af stilstand, fremhæver Sydbanks analysechef desuden.

.\˙ MarketWire