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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

BDI tirsdag 16.06.09 +188 pkt

13611 fcras 16/6 2009 16:16

Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3951 UP 188

BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7648 UP 421
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3108 UP 227
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1699 DOWN 3
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 796 DOWN 14
Supramax "Jin Fu" 2001 - 50.777 dwt (Jinhui Shipping)
Gibraltar - 10th June 2009 - Photo: © Daniel Ferro, Gibraltar

16/6 2009 20:07 fcras 013626

SK Shipping picked up on Tuesday where George Economou left off earlier by spending $100,000 a day on a capesize Atlantic roundtrip.

Other capesize routes were also showing strong figures which boosted the index but panamaxes were comparatively flat and supramaxes decidedly dead.


The 172,000-dwt Cape Awoba (built 1996) was the one getting $100,000 a day from SK Shipping for an Atlantic return journey.

Deiulemar is making a nice profit off the relet of the 172,000-dwt Mineral China (built 2003) to Rio Tinto for a roundtrip from China to Australia at $77,500 a day. The Italian booked it towards the end of 2008 for a year at $39,000.

Not to be outdone BHP Billiton put down $80,000 for the same itinerary with the 170,000-dwt Cape Pioneer (built 2005).


RBD Armatori also did a nice bit of business on a relet. It booked the 73,300-dwt Barbara (built 1997) earlier this week for 12 to 14 months at $23,000 and has now let it out to Louis Dreyfus for a trip from the Middle East to South America and the Far East at $30,000.

Bunge spent $25,000 a day on a similar itinerary with the 74,200-dwt Banzai (built 2002) except it kicks off in India.

A haul from the Far East to Australia and on to the Persian Gulf set K Line back $25,000 a day with the 76,500-dwt Dolce (built 2007).

The 75,300-dwt Nordmosel (built 2001) got $28,000 daily for an Atlantic roundtrip with Noble paying nearly $30,000 a day for a Med/Baltic spin with the 73,400-dwt Happy Clipper (built 2001).

The 72,400-dwt Seapowet (built 1992) is also hanging around northern Europe for $26,000 a day.

The period charter market was quite active and showed the odd robust rate for short-term deals.

STX Pan Ocean has the 77,800-dwt Tai Progress (built 2004) for five to seven months at $31,000 and the 74,000-dwt Riruccia (built 1997) picked up $1,000 a day less for three to four months.

Practica paid $25,750 a day for four to six months with the 73,700-dwt Golden Shadow (built 1997) with Cargill spending $22,000 daily on the same period with the 74,300-dwt Evanthia (built 2001).

The longest deal was for between 25 and 28 months with the 74,200-dwt Oregon (built 2002), Hyundai Merchant Marine picking up the $16,700 a day tab.


There was scant activity here as Russia’s MUR paid $16,400 per day for the 52,300-dwt Shamrock (built 2006) to go from South Africa to the Atlantic.

And South Africa’s IVS has the 39,100-dwt Steel Might (built 1985) from a home port to Europe at $12,000.

By Eoin O'Cinneide in London
Handysize “Nord Sincere” 2008 – 28.306 dwt, alongside Port Hedland, loading salt.
05.11.08 - Photo: © tropic maritime photos, Australia
Port Hedland:

16/6 2009 21:22 fcras 013628

Tirsdag 16. juni 2009 kl: 13:00

KORT NYT: Rekordventetider på op til 20 dage for tørlastskibe i de kinesiske havne, hvor der blot for to uger tilbage var en ventetid på 7-8 dage, ses som et tegn på, at tørlastmarkedet er på vej mod et større opsving

"Med ventetider på 20 dage er vi tilbage på niveauet vi så, da tørlastraterne lå på de historisk høje niveauer i foråret 2008", siger senioranalytiker Jacob Pedersen fra Sydbank til RB-Børsen.

Baltic Dry Indekset er steget kraftigt de seneste dage og nåede 3763 mandag indeks 3763.
