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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

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6347 le 30/3 2009 20:48

Obama offers incentives to spur auto sales
Obama offers incentives such as tax benefits to spur auto sales
Monday March 30, 2009, 11:39 am EDT
Buzz up! Print WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama says the federal government is preparing to offer several incentives to get Americans to buy more U.S.-made cars.

In a White House speech, Obama said the IRS will start notifying consumers who purchased cars after Feb. 16 that they can deduct the cost of any sales and excise taxes. The program would remain in effect till year's end.

Obama says he wants to work with Congress to use parts of the economic stimulus package to fund a program that would allow consumers to get a "generous credit" when they replace an older, less fuel-efficient car and buy a new, cleaner car.

The president says he wants to make the program retroactive starting Monday. It's meant to boost car sales in the U.S., which have seen their worst decline in 27 years.

Obama also said the government will guarantee warranties on any GM or Chrysler vehicles.

30/3 2009 20:49 06348

Hej Le, hvordan vurderer du udviklingen med at GM og Chrysler nægtes bailout?

30/3 2009 22:36 le 06356

det er jo lidt af et problem

fordi bilindustrien betyder så meget for den samlede økonomi

men obama har jo åbnet en kattelem

hvor det nok alligevel ender med at de overlever

han var bare nødt til at stille store krav

og ender nok med at baile dem out alligevel

31/3 2009 08:12 le 06399

31/3 2009 08:19 le 06400

obamas tale om bilindustrien

han siger direkte at de ikke går ned

31/3 2009 08:45 le 06402

men han siger også at det nok bliver nødvendigt med en chapter 11 konkurs, hvor produktionen fortsætter og staten garanterer bl.a. garantiforpligtigelser mm

men det er klart at det skaber usikkerhed

31/3 2009 08:50 le 06403

mere obama kommentar til GM og chrysler

31/3 2009 09:09 le 06405

30/3 2009 23:26 le 06363

30/3 2009 23:29 le 06364

30/3 2009 23:40 le 06368