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Citigroup og Bac får store tæsk igen igen

3014 19/2 2009 22:33

De er nede med 8% begge. Det trækker efterhånden op til at være rimeligt seriøst alvorligt at tale om nationalisering af bankerne. Men hold op hvor vil det være en katastrofe af de store hvis Citi og Bac skal bukke under.

19/2 2009 23:02 JørgenVarnæs 03015

Ja, det må være ret så seriøst efterhånden. Citi her i Danmark er holdt helt op med at låne penge ud i dag! Lidt et problem, når man kalder sig for en bank...

20/2 2009 21:25 03082

Begge er nede med 22% idag også. Jeg begynder at tro på det værste weekenden over.

Faneme lykkelig over at have smidt mine Bacs på toppen. Ved ikke hvad jeg tænkte på, handlede dem heldigvis i positivt momentum. Men jeg har stadig vildt svært ved at forestille mig en nationalisering.

21/2 2009 01:33 03086

Banker skal muligvis nationaliseres et stykke tid :−)

De stiger after hours. Masser af doom and gloom også fra S&P i dag, der siger at vi kun har set begyndelsen af credit crunch!

21/2 2009 02:04 03087


Ken Lewis Tries to Stop Talk of Nationalization

Posted Feb 20, 2009 11:35am EST by Henry Blodget in Investing, Recession, Banking
Related: BAC, XLF, C, FAZ, SKF, ^DJI, ^GSPC
From The Business Insider, Feb. 20, 2009:

Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis tried to assure his senior team that the bank would not be seized by the government, the WSJ says. As nationalization talk gains momentum in Washington, Lewis also reportedly asked the government to say publicly that it is not considering this option.

WSJ: Mr. Lewis addressed the nationalization speculation during a senior leadership meeting Thursday at the bank's headquarters, according to a person there. Policy officials in Washington have assured Mr. Lewis that such an option isn't on the table, the CEO said. He also said he has urged the government to say this publicly.

It's not clear which "policy officials" Lewis was referring to, exactly. Presumably some folks at the Treasury and Fed. Nationalization is now emphatically "on the table" in Washington, with Lindsey Graham, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, and others publicly calling for it.

The other news about Lewis that we can infer from this article is that he's likely losing the support of his senior team. Unless Lewis himself ordered the leak--perhaps in an attempt to get the "nationalization not on the table" idea into the press again--Bank of America's senior team is now going around him to the press (and quickly, too).

This, combined with the crushed stock price, Merrill Lynch deal, and Cuomo subpoena, suggest that Ken Lewis's tenure is not long for this world.