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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

USA - ledet Rally?...

5293 22/3 2009 12:31

23/3 2009 17:10 collersteen 05430

Boligsalget - det går da den rigtige vej. Om end langsomt.
Jo mere likviditet og jo hurtigere vi får alle de rådne sælgere ud jo hurtigere kommer der en eller anden form for stabilitet. Og det sjove er jo også det psyklogiske aspekt... at folk lurpasser, selvom huset er billigere idag end igår, hvor man også syntes at prisen var billig. Ren TA - som jo på sin vis er så forunderlig og "ulogisk".

Bemærk også at 45% er "foreclosure"-relateret i en elelr anden form.
Det påvirker naturligvis også medianprisen som er faldet væsentligt på årsbasis.

By Jeff Bater

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Existing-home sales rebounded in February, climbing above expectations, but prices plunged again.

Home resales climbed to a 4.72 million annual rate, a 5.1% increase from January's unrevised 4.49 million annual pace, the National Association of Realtors said Monday.

Foreclosures and short sales reflect about 45% of total existing home sales. Distressed properties are discounted, so the abundance of these sales prices new homes out of the market, discouraging construction and weakening the overall housing sector further.

With so many distressed sales, the median price for an existing home fell last month. At $165,400 in February, the median price was down 15.5% from $195,800 in February 2008. The median price in January this year was $164,800. The 15.5% plunge is the second biggest ever, behind January's 17.5% drop.

The sharp tumble in prices, falling because of bloated inventory, is restraining demand. Monday's data showed inventories of previously owned homes rose 5.2% at the end of February to 3.80 million available for sale, which represented a 9.7-month supply at the current sales pace. There was a 9.7-month supply at the end of January.

The February resales level of 4.72 million reported Monday by NAR was above Wall Street expectations of a 4.48 million sales rate for previously owned homes. The 5.1% increase was the largest since 5.6% in July 2003.

"This is a rebound from January," said NAR economist Lawrence Yun. "Home sales are still very soft." Yun added that realtors hope the Obama administration's economic stimulus helps the market in the next few months.

The average 30-year mortgage rate was 5.13% in February, up from a record low 5.05% in January, according to Freddie Mac (FRE). The rate was 5.92% in February 2008.

But lower lending rates don't change the facts: credit is tight and layoffs have been rising. Since the recession began in December 2007, the economy has shed 4.4 million jobs, including 651,000 jobs last month. Previously owned home sales, year over year, were down 4.6% from the pace in February 2008, Monday's report said.

Regionally, sales rose 15.6% in the Northeast, 1.0% in the Midwest, 6.1% in the South, and 2.6% in the West.

23/3 2009 22:54 Sonku 05486

I skrivende stund oppe med 6,52 %............Det er da noget der vil noget .........Må da være tæt på rekord -?