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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Trina Solar løfter sløret for deres forventninger

58931 5/7 2012 13:16

Det er en yderst interessant kommentar og forudsigelse at Gao, CEO for TSL kommer med.

At sol om 10 år vil have en lavere pris end vandkraft. Jeg tænker at vindkraft vil få det rigtigt svært i den ligning. Her lidt uddrag fra interviewer

Expected 2012 sales will have the capacity to power 2.5 million U.S. homes and Trina expects to nearly quadruple that to 8 gigawatts by 2015. Trina's stock, however, has lost two-thirds of its Value in the last 12 months. To revive it Gao plans to target new markets and expand beyond manufacturing into services.

"Our sales volumes are expanding but unit prices are falling fast," Gao told Reuters through a translator. "Europe and Germany, our largest market, are slowing and new U.S. tariffs make it almost impossible for us to be competitive there."

The squeeze on margins has been sharp and fast. Trina lost $38 million in 2011 on sales of $2.05 billion after posting a $311 million profit on sales of $1.86 billion the year earlier, according to Thomson Reuters data.

Plunging solar-power manufacturing costs and increased unit efficiency have helped slash the cost of solar power to 15 cents a kilowatt hour (KwH) from about $1 KwH 10 years ago. The price could fall 15-fold to 1 cent a KwH by 2022, far below conventional hydro and hydrocarbon generation costs, he said.

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5/7 2012 21:47 Solsen 258933

Interessant og så venter vi med at købe solceller et par år endnu

Store perspektiver for klimapåvirknig og en større uafhængighed af "araberne"

Nu mangler vi blot superbatteriet eller anden energiopbevaringsform.

Verden kan se anderledes ud om ganske få år - og ja vindmøller kan løbe ind i problemer meget snart.

5/7 2012 23:34 cykling 058937