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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Indikation af hvormeget Genmab tjener på PDL (fabrikken)

64 7/11 2008 11:11

Her er et transcript fra PDL´s 3.kvartal cc

Parts of the sale f our manufacturing assets in March 2008, we recognized the cost of manufacturing clinical trial material as such costs were incurred. However, now that we utilized Genmab as our CMO, we recognize the expenses related to the clinical trial material all and only at the time when the manufacturing process is complete and the material is released by Genmab and purchased by us.

The change from in house manufacturing to the utilization of a CMO results in a greater level of volatility in our R&D expenses quarter to quarter.

The 12 million in CMO related expenses in the third quarter represents over 80% of our expected full year clinical trial purchases for each of 2008 and 2009, and is therefore much more indicative of what we anticipate spending for a full year than a particular quarter.

Dvs. at genmab tjener ret godt på fabrikken, hvis de kun har Genmab som CMO, hvilket man et eller andet sted godt kan formode. Jeg mener udgifterne var 40 mill kr. og med indtægter tæt på 60-70 mill er det præcis den forretning David Eatwell talte om