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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Fing ordre på ny sensor

43612 faurschou 1/7 2011 08:15

Så kan det langt om længe være, at det har været værd at investere i det besværlige lille svenske selskab - måske skal vi ha' et lille rally

Fingerprint Cards AB (FPC) has secured the first commercial order for the company's swipe sensor, the FPC1080A. This initial order has been placed by FPC's distributor in China, Hardware & Software Technology (HST), for onward delivery to customers. The initial order volume amounts to 50,000 units.

After having evaluated FPC's new swipe sensor, the FPC1080A, during the spring, a main supplier of biometric security solutions in the Chinese bank and financial sector has decided to launch production of USB keys equipped with FPC's fingerprint sensors. These USB keys will be used by the bank's customers for Internet logging to the bank and for signing bank transactions. Delivery is scheduled for the third quarter of 2011. FPC estimates that demand in this Chinese submarket corresponds to at least 100 million units over the coming three to four years.

Johan Carlström, President and Chief Executive Officer of FPC, comments as follows: "Today's order marks a milestone and a commercial breakthrough for FPC. We are delighted to have already received the first confirmation that our investment in developing the world's smallest and most power-efficient swipe sensor has proven to be a correct move. We have secured this first procurement of USB keys equipped with swipe sensors in the face of strong competition and are pleased that our leading performance and quality have had such an immediate impact on the market. Yet again, FPC's development team has shown the ability to develop biometric sensors that are world leading in terms of technology, functionality and cost-effectiveness. We look to the year ahead with great confidence."