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3/12 18:03
af collersteen
What has surprised you the most (positively and negatively) compared to your expectations before you took over as CEO?
3/12 18:05
af Emmanuel Dulac
I am most positively surprised by the quality of Zealand's leadership team, and the highly collaborative culture of the employees. The more I work with the research team, the more I am impressed by their expertise...
3/12 18:08
af Emmanuel Dulac
As for negatives (if it can be called that), there remains a lot of education around what the artificial pancreas can mean for people with insulin-dependent diabetes.
3/12 18:09
af Stroka
Do you expect Zealand Pharma to be an independent company in 2025?
3/12 18:10
af Emmanuel Dulac
Zealand is undergoing transformation to support sales of its own products, and we are planning to launch four products in four years starting in 2021. We have ambitious plans, industry leading competencies, and a strong financial position to realize our strategy.
3/12 18:10
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Emmanuel Dulac..Thank You for joining us and thank you for the many fullfillinganswers to our questions. We look forward to to seeing you back here after Q4.
3/12 18:11
af Emmanuel Dulac
Thank you! Thank you for the thoughtful questions. Always a pleasure to discuss with all of you.
3/12 18:11
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
This session has ended.
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