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17/5 15:39
af kkjoel
What the various dara numbers (lines / iv-vs-sc) from latest Brand Impact surveys?
17/5 15:41
af Jan Van de Winkel
The latest brand impact data are from March which show 26% of the patients in the US to be treated with daratumumab (28% of new patient starts), in first line, 15% of the patients (19% of new patient starts), 45% of 2nd line patients (50% new patient starts), 49% 3rd line patients (58% new patient starts) and 48% of 4+ line patients.
17/5 15:42
af B.Andersen
Three questions: Can we expect a share split in the near future? When may it be possible to pay dividends or is the repurchase of own shares the preferred model?
17/5 15:42
af Jan Van de Winkel
On the previous question: Over 60% of the recent dara sales in the US has been for the subcu version.
17/5 15:43
af Jan Van de Winkel
One answer: We are not focusing on share split and intend to focus our resources and energy on creating and developing novel antibody therapeutics for cancer..
17/5 15:44
af Jan Van de Winkel
We of course have committed to a limited repurchase of share to compensate for dilution related to our warrant programs.
17/5 15:44
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Jan ..Thank you for joining us and thank you for the many fullfilling answers to our questions. We look forward to to seeing you back here on after Q2 .
17/5 15:45
af Jan Van de Winkel
Thank you all for another stimulating session .We look forward to the next one following our Q2 results. Please stay safe and remain healthy and optimistic.
17/5 15:46
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
This session is over.
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